1. Rates of drug use in the US — Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, prescription stimulants, and methamphetamines are the most widely used drugs in the country. Here’s a closer look at US drug use rates, and which substances are most commonly used, according to NCDAS research: A. * Alcohol: 139.8 million people,B. * Tobacco: 58.8 million people,C, * Marijuana: 2.9 million people, D. * Prescription stimulants: 2.9 million people
- Methamphetamines: 2.2 million people
- Prescription painkillers: 1.9 million people
- Heroin: 957,000 people
- Cocaine: 638,000 people
- Prescription sedatives: 319,000 people
2. Who is using drugs?---- Drug use has risen sharply among people 50 or older. It may come as a surprise to many, who may imagine drug use as a problem among younger generations. Alcohol is the main substance causing hospital and rehab admissions in older individuals, but other drugs are also responsible for the increase in treatment required.Admissions for treatment or marijuana and heroin use have more than doubled in the past 10 years. But the most dramatic increases in hospitalizations were from prescription drugs and cocaine, the latter of which almost quadrupled admission rates to a treatment center.
3. Women ----- Women are more likely to suffer from disorders related to use of alcohol, opioids, cannabis, stimulants, and nicotine. A variety of causes are responsible, such as influence from their partners and a higher propensity for mood and anxiety disorders. Anxiety or stress-related disorders may lead some women to become addicted to substances as they seek to self-medicate or escape from the stressors that contribute to their anxieties.
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