Lose Weight with Friends

Hello WLF… My name is Peter CJ…
In my young teens I was as skinny as 130lbs.
As I got older I started to put on weight and at 20-25 I was going back and forth between 180lbs and 190lbs.
This year I lost a lot of ground and weighed as high as 230lbs.
I have since began losing weight and at the moment I have went from 230lbs to 220lbs in a couple of weeks and I am still dropping…

That being said, I have a Discord Group in which we can work together to LOSE Weight!
The Discord group is a very simplistic design.

I have a couple of promotion ads for Weight Loss Products that work well with me…
But I also have a Weight Coaching area and you can apply to work as a Weight Loss Coach.

At the moment it is more of a friendly environment rather than a Job, but it is a place to help each other Lose Weight, and I might allow Coaches to be tipped if it is promoted by the Community.

If you want to join the Discord Group, Search:

Thank You All and Best Wishes!

Lose weight using yoga : The Power of Yoga and Meditation for Weight Loss | Longevity

Thanks for the input… I agree Yoga can be extremely Healthy, Meditation would lower slow your body down and Yoga would work out muscles not usually used.
If you would like you can join my Discord group above to talk more about it.

weight loss exercises at home with this video: Stflywatch this video