I’m very new here - measured in minutes.
Sorry if this comes across as very negative but first impressions and all that…
First thing to do on joining; I looked to go to ‘introduce myself’ thread, only to find that on opening the thread:
○ There are very few posts.
○ It hasn’t been used since 2023.
○ The latter posts are all people trying to get you to click a link to their latest money making scheme.
Is there a community, or is this full of individuals telling not listening? I’m hoping for some reassurance. I’m looking for people I can talk to, not talk at…
Then, to cap it all, I get the following flash up…
Your topic is similar to…
“Hey I’m Dr.Merry So come Here. I have really good thing for all of youFood & NutritionJan 2022 - You Think You are SO havy Don’t take Tense I’m here for you. I have this Workout. Go and Check And See results in only 14 days Go And Check… linktohttps://shrinke.me/yNuW6DUh > click Here”.