I want to lose weight without changing my lifestyle

The internet is full of ways to lose weight, but they all require a lifestyle change. Can’t we really just do something in particular to lose weight without having to change our lifestyle? I’m a young chick, who likes to go out and party and I can’t think that I’m ruining my diet every time I go out or have coffee with a friend. There must be something not so radical to do. Any ideas?


Eating less is always better! Just eat what you normally do, but eat less. Eat smaller portions.

Kendal, everyone will tell you to quit sugar and carbohydrates, as well as some fats if you want to lose weight. It’s almost impossible to lose weight without changing your lifestyle.

Yeah, all you hear about these days is making small changes that will turn into a lifestyle. Man, I know I like junk food and I want to eat it again after I lose some weight.

I hope this advise will help you. Please eat less breakfast in the morning, heavy lunch and evening take fruits. Also avoid eating late at night. This combination has indeed help.

Of course, you can lose weight without changing your lifestyle. Eating less than before, taking coffee or tea like Zinamax or Cappuccino MCT will surely be a perfect way to lose weight without changing your mindset or lifestyle.

If you will like to try those drinks I mentioned earlier, click on Cappuccino MCT or Zinamax to get them now for 29 dollars instead 42 dollars.

Hi, my name is Alisson, I’m a specialist, physicist and I want to help you lose weight in a healthy way without compromising your health, that’s what I did.
Watch the video, I wish you all a big hug, and a wonderful Christmas!

  1. Chew Thoroughly and Slow Down. …
  2. Use Smaller Plates for Unhealthy Foods. …
  3. Eat Plenty of Protein. …
  4. Store Unhealthy Foods out of Sight. …
  5. Eat Fiber-Rich Foods. …
  6. Drink Water Regularly. …
  7. Serve Yourself Smaller Portions. …
  8. Eat Without Electronic Distractions.
  9. Sleep Well and Avoid Stress
  10. Eliminate Sugary Drinks
  11. Serve Unhealthy Food on Red Plates

Many simple lifestyle habits can help you lose weight. Some have nothing to do with conventional diet or exicase plan

Read: How I lost 7 pounds in 2 months [Here’s what I did differently]

Hay terima kasih banget atas tipsnya di dalam blog nya, saya menemukan sangat bermanfaat juga… saya juga menemukan video loh yang bermanfaat banget untuk menurunkan berat badan ShrinkMe.io

HI. For my weight loss journey, I am taking Herbalife f1 shakes and herbal tea. I drink hot tea first using 300ml water with 1 tsp of tea and right after that I would prepare and drink my meal shake. I also use warm water for the shake as warm water (i think) helps burn fats too. hehe… 2 scoops of the shake and 300ml water and blend it for about 1 minute. I do this every morning before 8am and at night before 9PM. I also do this exercise at least 3x a week [ShrinkMe.io] (ShrinkMe.io)

So far my progress is good. I used to be 74kg and after 3 months I am down to 61kg.

This will be helpful to lose weight without diet and exercises
Tips to lose weight without diet and exercise

yes you loose weight without your lifestyle change

But to loose weight, you need to make lifestyle changes. eating healthier, and eating smaller portions are all making lifestyle changes.

you can watch this video to learn more:

it’s best product to loss weight. you should to try and trust this product. you will definitely notice difference in your body in just few week. link here : https://fe350lgfgui-x8e3m9-5qcirfp.hop.clickbank.net

If you wanted to lose weight and without changing your lifestyle,so I can help you with that I have a weight loss product that has help me to lose weight around 54kgs to 25kgs I promise that this will work for you for lifetime Try checkout this product:-https://dcf319fiu2reslalwhh3qarg77.hop.clickbank.net